
The Global Innovator Conference in Shenzhen:  where tomorrow is unveiled  全球创新者大会在明日之城深圳举办


2017 Global Innovator Conference held in Shenzhen (Source: Xinhua Agency)

Every day in China there are dozens of tech events, but few of them are able to capitalize on such an inspiring mix of world famous entrepreneurs, scientists, artists and scholars from more than 20 different countries as the Global Innovator Conference (GIC), which took place in Shenzhen from the 8th of September until the 10th.


Shenzhen is the heartland of innovation in China. It is a special place where technology has become a way of life and where startups can easily develop and expand. This has all started in May 1980 when Shenzhen, at the time a fishermen village of no more than 30,000 inhabitants, became China’s first special economic zone. Since then, the city has developed at great speed into one of the most dynamic tech clusters of China, hosting today more than 11 million people and attracting some of the country’s top tech talents.

深圳是中国的创新中心。 科技已经成为深圳的一种生活方式,在这里创业公司能够轻松发展壮大。 这一切始于1980年5月,深圳从一个不足三万人的小渔村成为中国第一个经济特区。 此后,这座拥有1100多万人口城市以惊人的速度发展了中国最具活力的科技产业集群之一,并吸引了全国顶尖的科技人才。


A sight of the Shenzhen Bay Tech and Ecology Park

Shenzhen owes its meteoric rise to an open innovation culture and the warm reception of immigrants. The local government is betting very high on attracting top talents and tech companies from overseas. The city has developed the Shenzhen Bay Tech and Ecology Park, a building area of 1.88 million sqm in the Southern district of Shenzhen High Tech Zone, designed to serve as HQs or R&D base for high-tech companies, an incubator for innovative small and mid-sized enterprises and a national low carbon ecology demonstration park.

深圳的迅速崛起归功于其开放创新的文化和对外来移民的高接纳度。当地政府对吸引海外高端人才和科技公司落户也进行了大量投入。 深圳已发展了深圳湾科技生态园,位于深圳高新技术开发区南山区,建设面积达188万平方米,作为高新技术企业总部或研发基地、创新型中小企业孵化器和国家低碳生态示范园区。

It is therefore not fortuitous that the GIC, a China-based top brand for scientific, technological and cultural events, chose Shenzhen as the venture for its 2017 innovation conference.  The Shenzhen conference was organized in partnership with some of the major technological players from around the world and China like Google, Baidu and Ofo.



ChinaEU hosting the panel discussion on the value chain of 5G at GIC

ChinaEU was honored to be asked to organize a panel discussion at the event on the Value Chain of 5G, the coming major innovation in mobile communications.  The participants to the panel, chaired by Luigi Gambardella, President of ChinaEU, were Mr. Francesco Profumo, Former Italian Minister of Education and Research and President of Italian tower company INWIT, Ms. Chih-Lin I, Chief Scientist for wireless technologies at China Mobile, and Mr. Wang Jiayi, Managing Director of 5D Ran Solutions at ZTE Corporation.

中欧数字协会有幸受邀在全球创新者大会上组织关于5G价值链这一移动通信领域重大创新的专题研讨。 中欧数字协会主席鲁乙己主持了此次研讨会,与会嘉宾包括意大利前教育研究部部长兼意大利基塔公司INWIT总裁Francesco Profumo先生,中国移动无线技术首席科学家易芝玲女士,中兴通讯5G解决方案总经理王加奕先生。


Luigi Gambardella kicking off the panel of ‘The Value Chain of 5G’

Luigi Gambardella, kicked off the panel discussion with a summary of what is expected from the future 5G standard: “5G is not just a new technology, 5G is a new era, 5G is a revolution that is coming.”


The panel members shared their visions on 5G and its practical applications. Mr. Profumo, who at the same time is also Professor at the Polytechnic University of Turin and President of the Bruno Kessler Foundation, a top scientific research institute in Italy, addressed the possibilities of machine-to-machine and machine-to-person interaction. He also stressed the opportunities of autonomous driving in combination with 5G.

与会专家分享了他们对5G及其实际应用的看法。意大利前教育研究部部长兼意大利基塔公司INWIT总裁 Profumo先生,兼任都灵理工大学教授及意大利顶级科研机构布鲁诺·凯斯勒研究所(Bruno Kessler Foundation)总裁,介绍了机器与机器互动和人机互动的可能性。 他还强调自动驾驶与5G相结合的机会。


Ms. Chih-Lin addressing the dramastic changes that 5G would bring about at the panel of ‘The Value Chain of 5G’

Ms. Chih-Lin I argued that the new 5G era will bring drastic changes. She argued it will be an era where all societal and economic aspects of our lives including social activities, medical health, transportation, education, entertainment, security, cultural activities and industrial manufacturing will be drastically enhanced.

易芝玲女士认为,新5G时代将带来巨大的变化。 她指出,我们现在所处的时代是一个包括社会活动、医疗健康、交通、教育、娱乐、安全、文化活动和工业制造在内的所有社会和经济生活将日新月异的时代。


Mr. Wang Jiayi speaking at the panel discussion of the value chain of 5G

Finally, Mr. Wang Jiayi added his vision of a very positive future where 5G significantly increases the quality of live, for instance by allowing for the revolution of autonomous driving.



Mr. James Li Jianhua, CFO of Didi Chuxing, speaking at GIC

The prospect of a futuristic world of driverless transportation was brought up also by Mr. James Li Jianhua, who is the Chief Development Officer of Didi Chuxing, the world’s largest ride-sharing company. He argued that China possesses huge opportunities for development. The cities are big, densely populated, and they have good infrastructure. This enhances the possibilities of the sharing economy. In the future, Didi’s model will encourage people to share cars instead of buying their own. Furthermore, he talked about Didi’s worldwide expansion with a recent investment in Taxify, an Estonian company, and partnerships in Russia and South-East Asia.

全球最大的共享出行公司滴滴出行首席发展官李建华先生也对无人驾驶的发展前景进行了展望。 他认为中国拥有巨大的发展机遇。 中国城市面积大、人口稠密,基础设施完善。 这为分享经济创造了可能。未来,滴滴模式将鼓励人们共享出行而不是购买汽车。 此外,他还谈到了滴滴的全球扩张,包括滴滴出行最近投资了一家爱沙尼亚公司Taxify以及在俄罗斯和东南亚建立商务合作。


Mr. Austin Zhang, Co-Founder of Ofo, sharing Ofo’s experience in bike security at GIC

Another inspiring speaker was Mr. Austin Zhang, Co-Founder of Ofo, the world’s first “non-docking” bicycle-sharing platform. He spoke about the experience in bike security he learned from studying the bike deployment in the Netherlands and the difficulties of overseas internationalization, mentioning the different regulations and differing population densities among different cities as one of the major challenges.

另一位让人深受启发的演讲嘉宾是全球首个无桩自行车共享平台Ofo的联合创始人张已丁。 他谈到了从荷兰的自行车部署学习到的自行车安全方面的经验以及海外国际化等难点问题。他提到不同城市的不同法规和人口密度差异是主要挑战之一。


Mr. Greg Moran, Founder & CEO of Zoomcar, speaking at GIC
Zoomcar创始人兼首席执行官Greg Moran先生在全球创新者大会上发言

Mr. Greg Moran, Founder & CEO of Zoomcar told the crowd about his experience in setting up Zoomcar in Bangalore, India, a market with a relatively young mobile infrastructure.

Zoomcar创始人兼首席执行官Greg Moran先生向与会人员介绍了他在印度班加罗尔这个相对年轻的移动基础设施市场中创立Zoomcar的经验。


Li Xiaolong, Senior Director of AI at Ant Financial, speaking at GIC

All these companies are collecting daily a huge amount of data. According to Mr.Li Xiaolong, Senior Director of AI at Ant Financial, big data have the power to sustain brand new business models. He went on to explain how Ant Financial, the financial arm of Alibaba group, is using artificial intelligence and image recognition to revolutionize the insurance business. The idea is that, if you are involved in a car accident, you would not need to wait for the claim adjuster to come, but could simply take a photo with your smartphone and send it to the insurer. The rest would be done by AI, which would assess the damage and cost of repair and list nearby repair shops and relative pricing.

所有这些公司每天都在收集大量数据。 据蚂蚁金服资深总监李晓龙介绍,大数据有力地支撑了新商业模式的发展。 他还介绍了蚂蚁金服作为阿里巴巴集团旗下的金融业务,如何利用人工智能和图像识别对保险业务进行革新。一旦遭遇车祸,您无需等待理赔评估员到现场,只需用智能手机拍照并将其发送给保险公司。 其余的工作将由蚂蚁金服完成,蚂蚁金服将评估损坏情况和维修成本,并给出附近的维修店名单和相应的报价。


Future-maker award ceremony at 2017 GIC (Source: China Wine News)
2017全球创新者大会“未来使者”颁奖典礼 (来源:中国酒业新闻网)

On September 9th, GIC 2017 was wrapped up by the “Future Maker Awards Ceremony”. Ten tech companies from the whole world made it to the final list with their incredible technologies and breakthroughs in robotics, artificial intelligence, fin-tech and food technology. Ms. Ma Li, Chairwoman of China Internet Development Fund (CIDF), inaugurated the award ceremony.

9月9日,2017全球创新者大会迎来收官活动——“未来使者颁奖典礼”。全球十大科技公司凭借他们在机器人、人工智能、金融科技和食品科技领域令人不可思议的技术突破入围最终获奖名单。 中国互联网发展基金会(CIDF)主席马利女士等嘉宾为获奖者颁奖。

Among the remarkable finalists, Shenzhen QYsea Technology was recognized for its breakthrough technology in marine exploration. The company’s flagship underwater robot, FiFish, even won the CES 2017 innovation award in Las Vegas.

在决赛入围者中,深圳QYsea以其在海洋勘探技术方面的突破赢得了认可。 该公司的旗舰产品水下机器人FiFish也在拉斯维加斯赢得了CES 2017创新奖。

US-based Impact Vision was selected for its newly developed software for food safety, that uses image recognition and predictive learning to monitor the quality and characteristics of different foods.

总部设在美国的“Impact Vision”以其为食品安全开发的新软件入选,该软件利用图像识别和预测学习来监控不同食物的质量和特性。

Russian industrial designer Evgeny Arinin was acknowledged for a new traffic lights that can talk to each other as well as with autonomous vehicles.

俄罗斯工业设计师Evgeny Arinin则以其设计的能与汽车交互的交通信号灯获奖,这种设计也可实现交通信号灯间的交互。

Finally, Beijing-based Ben Ge Ge was awarded for its smart recycling platform, that connects over 30 waste collecting stations across the city to an Internet platform, which records the sources of waste and send the orders to the waste collectors.


These were all brilliant examples of how digital technologies will improve our daily lives. Even more far-reaching results could be achieved as more Chinese home-grown technologies, from small players like Ben Ge Ge to tech stars like Didi, export their innovations to the rest of the world, and as more foreign innovations like Impact Vision and Evgeny Arinin immigrate to China. This is the vision of ChinaEU, to encourage more European tech entrepreneurs to tap into the China market opportunity and facilitate the spillovers of Chinese companies working with their European counterparts for the building of a 5G-enabled future.

这些都是数字科技改善我们日常生活的极好的范例。我们相信未来将有更广泛的成果:越来越多的中国本土科技企业,从笨哥哥这样的小企业到滴滴这样的明星企业,将他们的创新推向世界;“Impact Vision”和“Evgeny  Arinin”等更多的外国创新产品进入到中国。这也是中欧数字协会的愿景,即鼓励更多的欧洲技术企业家发掘中国市场,促进中国企业与欧洲同行业者合作,共同打造5G未来。

The recordings of GIC 2017 can be viewed in four parts: part 1part 2part 3part 4. The panel discussion on ‘The Value Chain of 5G’ starts at 51’01” of part 1.


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