
The New Silk Roads of the 21st Century–Time to forge a Eurasian Digital Silk Road 展望21世纪新丝绸之路–打造亚欧数字丝绸之路


2016 is only half way and China continues to dominate the headlines. First, the bold initiative of establishing an eWTP proposed by giant e-commerce advocator Jack Ma, next, China’s presidency for this year G20, Chinese deals in European brands, from Syngenta to Kuka to Italian football leagues, more recently, the newly raised South China Sea dispute. There is yet another hot issue on the table, which has received much attention since it came into being in 2013, and that is China’s “One Belt, One Road”, or “OBOR”, sometimes referred to as the “New Silk Road”.


International cooperation is facing several difficult challenges, of which the following global trends are a representation: anti-globalization, anti-integration and anti-trade. Take the example of Brexit, which was a clear manifestation against one of the EU’s basic principles: the free movement of people; look at the uncertain future of CETA (the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between EU and Canada), admittedly “the best and most progressive trade agreement” ever negotiated by the EU and now under threat in national Parliaments that need to ratify the agreement; look at the increasing terrorist threats and the general fear over immigration.


China’s OBOR initiative, aimed at deploying USD trillions of investments along the network of trade routes of the ancient Silk Road, looks like a refreshing and timely proposal in a time where each nation is looking to restore protectionist measures. OBOR promises to open a new economic relationship between Asia and Europe, where each side can gain from exploring new investment opportunities with the world’s second largest economy.

就在各国纷纷退回贸易保护主义的时候,中国及时提出了 “一带一路”,倡议将上万亿的美元投资在古丝绸之路的沿线地区贸易网。这一大胆而开放的想法令全世界耳目一新。“一带一路”承诺为亚欧打开新的经济纽带,以世界第二大经济体为媒介进而探索新的投资机会并从中获益。

Although proposed by China as a counterweight to mega-regional trade agreements excluding China, such as TPP and TTIP, the new Silk Road is not an attempt to control the Eurasian continent. On the contrary, it is a flexible and inclusive project which welcomes everyone that would like to contribute to Asian infrastructure investments.


This was the general consensus from a two-day forum organized by the Foundation for World Wide Cooperation, led by former Italian Prime Minister and former European Commission President Romano Prodi in Venice on 10th-11th July.


Entitled “Along the Silk Roads”, the event gathered some high level representatives from the Italian government, the European Commission, the port authorities of Venice and Tianjin, as well as the some of the most reputable Chinese and European academics to discuss the challenges and the opportunities along the Silk Road.


3.pic_hdEntitled “Along the Silk Roads”, the two-day seminar took place in Venice on 10th-11th July


Romano Prodi pointed out the open nature of China’s “One Belt One Road”, saying that, unlike TTP or TTIP, challenged by the changing economic and political interests involved, OBOR is more flexible and open to the contributions of all countries willing to take part in the construction of the project.


109Romano Prodi, former Italian Prime Minister and former European Commission President


He referred “One Belt One Road Initiative” as the answer to the 21st century, “The US wants to dictate the rules of the 21st century trade. This is impossible. We are going into a society where fragmentation is increasing,” said Prodi, “The Chinese proposal to deepen its influence in Asia gives much more flexibility.”

他进而将“一带一路”倡议比作二十一世纪贸易难题的终极回答,“美国想要主导二十一世纪贸易规则,这是不可能的。我们正在步入一个高度碎片化的社会,” 普罗迪说道,“中国这一试图深化其在亚洲影响力的倡议相比之下就提供了更多的灵活性。”

“Benefits will be split along the road. This is not something imposed by China, it is not an imposed ideology”, added Prodi (to view his full speech, please click here).


Compared to the most significant investment project in history, the “Marshall Plan”, which amounted to 130 billion in current USD, “One Belt One Road” is a much vaster project. According to The Economist, there are 900 deals under way along the route, worth 890 billion USD, and China alone will invest a cumulative 4 trillion USD in countries along the road.


According to Alain Baron, Head of Unit for International Transport and Enlargement, at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE), it is important that the Silk Road Initiative coordinates with the EU Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T).


He said that last year China and the EU signed an MoU on connectivity platform to guarantee that the transport market relies on sustainable development and a level playing field.


7.pic_hdAlain Baron, Head of Unit for International Transport and Enlargement, at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE)


The following four leading principles are at the core of this agreement:


1.     Inclusiveness: all countries along the road should benefit from infrastructures


2.     Reciprocity and full compliance with local legislation


3.     Green connectivity


4.     Benefit sharing: the country where investments take place       should not be the only beneficiary


“The world is changing and China is a main driver of these changes. The EU should not be a passive spectator, we should contribute actively,” Baron emphasized (to view his full speech, please click here).

巴伦强调:“世界在变化,而中国是导致这些变化的主要驱动者之一。在这一过程中,欧盟不应该是一个被动的观众,我们应该主动地做一些贡献。” (查看完整讲话视频,请点击此处

Enrico Letta, Former Italian Prime Minister, said that the 21st century belongs to Asia and it is up to Europe whether it will also be a Eurasian century, underlying that Europe should cease to look inward and start grasping the opportunities outside its own borders.


135Enrico Letta, Former Italian Prime Minister


He also indicated the crucial role China plays in delivering a successful G20 Summit in September and expressed very high expectations from China’s presidency to restore the world’s faith in globalization and reassure on the benefits of global trade (to view his full speech, please click here).


During a recent exclusive interview with China Daily, Letta pointed out that China’s presidency for G20 offers the country great opportunities to showcase its proactive participation in global governance, but at the same time gives it serious responsibility to inject fresh air to G20 through a new pragmatic approach, aimed at achieving concrete outcome (to view the interview please click here).


Shaukat Aziz, Former Prime Minister of Pakistan, sees the One Belt One Road as a positive development for the whole world. “Too often people ignore the fact that China is one of the biggest importers of raw material and other products from all over the world. The increase of connectivity, no matter through land, sea or digital will definitely become the greatest driver of trade and investment. In addition to economic benefits, the initiative will also bring positive political outcome. By increasing economic interdependency, you can reduce political risks.” (to view his full speech, please click here)


OBOR is a new long-term project. It will take time to gauge its impact on political relations, however, from an economic perspective it has already shown some concrete early results.


By the end of 2015, China has invested over 14.8 billion USD in 49 countries along the route, accounting for 12.6% of China’s total overseas investments. Besides, China has contracted projects of 64.5 billion USD in 60 countries along the route, taking up 44% of Chinese foreign contracting projects.


Luigi Gambardella, President of ChinaEU, is an early advocate of digital connectivity between China and Europe. According to him, the digital revolution will become a serious challenge ahead of us, if we underestimate the disruptive power of the new technologies on the job market.


Screen Shot 2016-08-02 at 10.34.00Luigi Gambardella, President of ChinaEU


“The Silk Road Initiative is not just about land and maritime transport. It is also about digital connectivity. And paradoxically, it may be faster to implement a digital silk road than the other two traditional roads. The big opportunity ahead is 5G”, said Gambardella (to view his full speech, please click here).

“丝路倡议不仅仅涉及陆路和海路的交通连接,也关乎数字的互联互通。矛盾的是,打造一条数字丝绸之路也许比打造另外两条丝绸之路快很多。就中欧合作来说,很大的一个机遇是 5G”, 鲁乙己说道(查看完整讲话视频,请点击此处)。

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