ChinaEU joins launch of CGTN Think Tank in Beijing, attends 3nd CGTN Global Media Summit themed “Media VS Technology” 中欧数字协会参加在京举行的CGTN智库启动仪式及主题为“媒体VS技术”的CGTN第三届全球媒体峰会
ChinaEU joined the launch ceremony of the China Global Television Network (CGTN) Think Tank, which was held during the third flagship CGTN Global Media Summit focusing on changing media landscape and its links with new technologies such as 5G, blockchain, and Artificial Intelligence on December 4 in Beijing.

CGTN Think Tank was launched. Photo: @CGTN
ChinaEU President Luigi Gambardella, being invited to become an advisor of the newly-established CGTN Think Tank, attended the ceremony that gathered representatives from 27 renewed think tanks and institutions across the world.

ChinaEU was presented during the ceremony. Video screen capture: @CGTN
Witnessed by the representatives, President Shen Haixiong of China Media Group, Yves Leterme, former Belgian prime minister, and others, officiated the launch of the CGTN Think Tank, following a group of leaders including former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, former European Commission President and Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi and the President of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Jin Liqun delivered their heart-warming congratulatory video messages.
数位政要包括联合国前秘书长潘基文、意大利前总理、欧盟委员会前主席罗马诺 · 普罗迪和亚洲基础设施投资银行行长金立群等通过视频向智库启动表示衷心祝贺。随后,在与会代表们见证下,中国中央广播电视总台台长慎海雄、比利时前首相伊夫·莱特姆等正式启动了CGTN智库。
The CGTN Think Tank was created to promote cooperation between global think tanks, create an open international exchange platform, enhance communication between different cultures, and provide a more diverse voice for the world. A CGTN statement said that some 50 think tanks and institutions from China and abroad have established cooperative relations with the CGTN Think Tank.
Luigi Gambardella was also invited to speak at a closed-door session themed “Globalization in Transition: Adapting to a Changing World” during the third CGTN Global Media Summit.
鲁乙己还受邀在第三届CGTN全球媒体峰会的闭门会议“转型中的全球化: 适应变革的世界”中发表讲话。

CGTN host Liu Xi (left) and ChinaEU President Luigi Gambardella (right) Photo: @ChinaEU
The Summit, under the theme “Media vs Technology,” featured discussions on the ties between technological advances and modern media. Among the topics were “5G & the Future: A New Era of Technology Innovation” and “Tech, News and the New Generation: The Evolution of Content Consumption.” Around 300 participants from Chinese domestic and foreign media and cutting-edge technology institutions exchanged ideas and experiences on new possibilities and opportunities as well as disruptions brought by technology to the media industry.

The Summit themed “Media vs Technology” kicked off. Photo: @CGTN
主题为“媒体与技术”的峰会开始。 照片来源:CGTN
During the Summit, CGTN announced that it has now landed on Amazon Fire TV and will cooperate with Microsoft News as a content provider, unveiling AI-powered voice assistant “Ask Panda” that can analyze voice requests, categorize the words into different elements and search matching news content.
峰会期间,CGTN宣布其正式入驻亚马逊流媒体平台FireTV。CGTN还将作为内容提供商,与微软新闻展开合作。此外,峰会揭开CGTN人工智能语音助手“Ask Panda”神秘面纱,“Ask Panda”可以分析语音请求,将话语分为不同类别元素并搜索相匹配的新闻内容。

A journalist was introducing “Ask Panda.” Video screen capture: @CGTN.
CGTN记者介绍“Ask Panda”。照片来源:CGTN视频截图。
CGTN is an international media organization launched by China Central Television (CCTV) on December 31, 2016. It is now part of China’s predominant radio and television broadcaster, China Media Group, which has incorporated CCTV, China National Radio, and China Radio International since March 2018.
CGTN是由中央电视台(CCTV)于2016年12月31日成立的国际媒体组织,现为中国中央广播电视总台一部分。2018 年3月,CGTN、中央人民广播电台、中国国际广播电台合并为中央广播电视总台。
Please watch the launch ceremony of the CGTN Think Tank here and look at the entire photo album of the 3nd CGTN Global Media Summit here.