ChinaEU present at 2019 World “Internet Plus” & Digital Economy Innovation Summit in Xi’an 中欧数字协会出席西安2019全球“互联网+”数字经济创新论坛
ChinaEU President Luigi Gambardella delivered a keynote speech at the 2019 World “Internet Plus”& Digital Economy Innovation Summit held on Oct. 24 in China’s northwestern city Xi’an, urging closer cooperation between China and Europe in the era of digitalization.
The Summit, a sub-event of the 3rd Global Programmers’ Festival, focused on the theme of “digital innovation and technology leadership” and stayed as a platform for sharing innovative practices of countries in digital economy, exploring new paths for the digital development, and jointly promoting global digital innovation.

The event brought together experts, policymakers, and business leaders in the digital sector from China and beyond, with speakers putting a highlight on the long-term development in the era of the Internet and in the digital world, new opportunities provided by the digital economy, and potentials and challenges of digital transformation.
Innovation stays a profound driving force for economic growth and a decisive element for companies, industries, and countries to develop their core competitive edge, while international cooperation is of great significance in digital innovation, said Luigi Gambardella, adding that Europe and China should work together to explore the tremendous potential of business cooperation as both digital economies are growing in an unprecedented way.
Xi’an’s Global Programmers’ Festival, themed “Connecting the Digits, Coding the Future”, was held on Oct.24 and 25 at the Xi’an High-tech International Convention Center. The Festival reportedly gathered around 1,000 guests including academicians in the software field and representatives from internet and high-tech enterprises such as Baidu and Sogou.
西安全球程序员节主题为“数字互联 码动未来”,于10月24日和25日在西安高新国际会议中心召开。媒体报道,参会1000多嘉宾包括软件领域院士和来自互联网和高科技企业如百度和搜狗等代表。

Xi’an’s software and information services industries have witnessed rapid growth in recent years with Xi’an Hi-tech Industries Development Zone leading the industrial development. In 2018, the zone’s revenue of software and information services hit 295 billion yuan (some 41.6 billion U.S. dollars), accounting for 90 percent of Xi’an’s revenue in the sector.
西安软件信息服务业近年增长迅猛,西安高新技术产业开发区更是一领风骚。 2018年,开发区软件和信息服务收入达2950亿元人民币(约合416亿美元),占西安软件和信息服务收入的90%。

To watch the photo album of the 3rd Global Programmers’ Festival, please click here.