
IGF 2016: Internet Governance in action 互联网治理在行动

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The United Nations’ International Telecommunications Union (ITU) coordinates globally the telephone service, but not the Internet. The Internet is managed by private law corporations, such as ICANN. In order to ensure the public accountability of the Internet’s management, the UNO Secretary-General convenes since November 2006 every year the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), an annual multi-stakeholder forum for policy dialogue. It brings together all stakeholders in the Internet governance debate, whether they represent governments, the private sector or civil society, including the technical and academic community, on an equal basis and through an open and inclusive process. While there’s no negotiated outcome, the IGF informs and inspires those with policy-making power in both the public and private sectors. At their annual meeting delegates discuss, exchange information and share good practices with each other.

国际电信联盟 (ITU)是联合国专门负责国际电信事务的机构,互联网并不在其管辖范围之内。因此,全球的互联网相关事务目前是由像互联网名称与数字地址分配机构 (ICANN)这样的独立机构在进行协调管理。为了保障互联网管理的公信力,自2006年11月起,联合国每年组织召开互联网治理论坛 (IGF)—一个关注互联网政策对话的年度多方利益相关者论坛。秉承平等、开放、包容原则,每届论坛邀请各国政府、企业、私人部门、包括学术和科技群体在内的民间组织等利益相关方参与全球互联网治理的讨论。纵观历届论坛,虽然取得的突出成果并不多,但它对公私领域政策决定者们的启发和引导作用却是不可忽视的。互联网治理论坛为来自各国各界的与会代表提供了一个讨论、分享有价值信息和实践的交流平台。

IGF 2016 took place early December in the Mexican town of Guadalajara. ChinaEU sent delegates to the Forum and organized, jointly with ChinaLabs an informal meeting between key policy-makers of the EU and China, participating to the event on 7 December in a top hotel of the town.



Megan Richards, Principal Adviser in DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology (CONNECT) of the European Commission speaks during the event

欧委会信息通讯、内容和技术总司首席顾问Megan Richards在活动上发言

The key policy makers from the EU side consisted among others of the European Parliament delegation to the IGF: five members of the ITRE committee, one of each the IMCO and LIBE committees and two of the JURI committee, as well as committee staff and experts from the political groups. Megan Richards and Cristina Monti of the EU Commission were also present, while the Council of Europe was represented by Patrick Penninckx, Head of Department of Information Society. The UNESCO was represented by Hu Xianhong and Guy Berger.

欧方出席的主要嘉宾有:欧洲议会参加IGF代表团 (包括:五名工业、研究与能源委员会代表、 一名内部市场与消费者保护委员会代表、一名公民自由、正义和内部事务委员会代表、两名法律事务委员会代表、以及委员会工作人员和政治团体专家)、欧委会信息通讯、内容和技术总司成员Megan Richards和Cristina Monti、欧洲理事会信息社会部主管Patrick Penninckx、以及来自联合国教科文组织的胡献红和Guy Berger。


MEPs Barbara Kappel and Lambert Van Nistelrooij dialoguing with Professor Chin Yik Chan

欧洲议会议员Barbara Kappel 和Lambert Van Nistelrooij在活动上和钱忆亲教授交谈

The Chinese Internet sector was represented among other by Fang Xingdong, President of ChinaLabs, Li Xiaodong, Director of the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), Zhong Bu, associate Professor of Pennsylvania State University, Liu Dong, Committee Member of the IEEE Standards Institute, Li Yuxiao, Secretary-General of the CyberSecurity Association of China (CSAC) and Cao Yaxin, Secretary-General of the China Culture Institute of Internet Communication. In addition, former US ambassador David Gross and Professor Eli Noam also participated.

中方出席的主要嘉宾包括:中国互联网实验室董事长方兴东、中国互联网络信息中心主任李晓东、美国宾州州立大学副教授钟布、EEE(国际电子电气工程师协会)标准协会董事刘东、中国网络空间安全协会秘书长李欲晓和中国文化网络传播研究会常务副秘书长曹雅欣。此外,前美国大使David Gross及Eli Noam教授也应邀出席。

In his keynote speech, Zhong Bu reminded the global weight of the Chinese Internet sector and highlighted the opportunity provided by the yearly Wuzhen World Internet Conference for EU and Chinese stakeholders to set up specific cooperation projects.



Zhong Bu, Professor of Pennsylvania State University speaks on behalf of ChinaLabs


On behalf of ChinaLabs, Zhong Bu also presented the to-be-launched new project– Journal of Cyber Affairs (JCA), a novel initiative jointly promoted by ChinaLabs and ChinaEU. JCA aims to become an international scholarly journal dedicated to publishing cross-disciplinary research on the impacts and implications of the Internet on global communities, including but not limited to policy making, climate change, health care, poverty, education, humanitarian crises, and cyber security. JCA encourages researchers around the world to take unconventional approaches in studying how the Internet is shaping and redefining human lives, relationships, and national boundaries.


Li Yuxiao presented the exciting conclusions of the Report on World Internet Development 2016, released on 18th November by the 3rd Internet World Conference– Wuzhen.



Li Yuxiao, Secretary-General of the CyberSecurity Association of China presents Wuzhen Report


The report acknowledges the achievements of the Internet development and the benefits that the information era has brought to humanity and the world. At the same time it examines carefully the severe challenges ahead, including the widening of the digital divide, the increasing risks of data leaks and cyberattacks, the multiplication of new forms of cybercrime and cyberterrorism. In conclusion, the report calls for international cooperation in reducing global digital dividends, in promoting mutual respect for cultural diversity, in building international norms and regulations in cybersecurity, as well as in supporting governments, international organizations, Internet companies, technology communities, civil organizations, academia, and individuals to participate in the Internet governance. (View the full report here)


Luigi Gambardella raised the opportunity offered by the review of the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA). He reminded that at the TrustTech event in Cannes, the China Information Technology Industry Federation (CITIF) highlighted the urgent need to establish a professional information security personnel training mechanism in China. CITIF also deplored that in China information security awareness lags behind the world average level and that very few purchase information security services. The Chinese government pledged to make network and information security a national strategy and already introduced of a series of policies and measures to strengthen information security and promote the development of information security industry.

Luigi Gambardella在发言中指出,欧洲网络与信息安全局(ENISA)即将面临下一阶段工作任务的审查和复评,这恰恰为中欧合作提供了一个机会。他回忆不久前在法国戛纳的TrustTech展会上,中国电子信息行业联合会强调了中国急需建立一个专业的、顶尖的信息安全人才培养机制。同时,中国电子信息行业联合会也指出中国的信息安全意识还远远落后于世界平均水平,且很少有人购买信息安全服务。中国政府决心将网络和信息安全发展成为国家级战略,并已经出台了一系列相关政策和措施来加强信息安全和促进整个信息安全行业的发展。


Luigi Gambardella, President of ChinaEU proposed new digital opportunity to audiences

中欧数字协会主席Luigi Gambardella提出中欧数字合作新机遇

Luigi Gambardella advocated that ENISA could be reshaped into a China-EU network and information security agency or CENISA, to respond to the needs of both the EU and China in the area of cybersecurity.

Luigi Gambardella倡议欧洲网络与信息安全局应该以此为契机,进化成为一个中欧网络与信息安全局,或者称其为CENISA,来应对中欧双方在网络安全领域发展的实际需要。

A key priority of China’s internet policy is to ensure cultural diversity. This message was brought by the delegates from the China Culture Institute of Internet Communication (CCIC) at an open forum discussion organised earlier the same day by at the IGF, chaired by Wang Jianchao, Deputy Director-General of Department of International Cooperation of the Cyberspace Administration of China. The CCIC of China had invited Luigi Gambardella as a speaker to share his views with the participants on the opportunities of the Internet to promote cultural diversity and exchanges.

中国互联网发展政策的一个重点是保护文化多样性。在同一天举办的“保护网络文化多样性,促进交流互鉴”开放性论坛上,作为该论坛承办方的中国文化网络传播研究会传达了这一重要信息。受研究会邀请,Luigi Gambardella作为演讲嘉宾出席,并就互联网为促进文化交流和文化多样性提供的机遇为主题与在场嘉宾分享了他的观点。该论坛由中国国家网信办国际合作局副局长王建朝主持。


Luigi Gambardella, President of ChinaEU speaks at the Internet cultural diversity open forum, chaired by Wang Jian Chao, Deputy Director-General of Department of International Cooperation of CAC

中欧数字协会主席Luigi Gambardella在由网信办国际合作局副局长王建朝主持的保护网络文化多样性开放论坛上发言

In between a presentation of the unique achievements of the CCIC to digitize Chinese literary tradition and a lively overview of the Maya cultural heritage of Mexico, Luigi Gambardella raised the question whether we should still continue to see cultural diversity in terms of linguistic diversity. He said that on the Internet, cultural diversity is increasingly a diversity among age groups: younger internet users do not consume the same services, play the same games as older generations. They develop their own communication codes and patterns, difficult to understand by older generations who have other usage patterns, which differ also strongly from those of occasional Internet users.

中国文化网络传播研究会首先介绍了其为中国传统文化数字化所做的不懈努力及所取得的可喜成果。Luigi Gambardella在随后的发言中提出了这样一个问题,那就是我们是否应该继续从语言多样性的角度探讨文化多样性问题。他表示,对于网络而言,文化多样性已经更大程度上的转变为年龄层的多样性:年轻网民和年长网民所消费的服务、玩的游戏自然不同,年轻人发展出属于他们这一代独有的交流方式和密语,而拥有不同沟通习惯的其他年龄层网民对此不能理解也再正常不过,就如同把他们和不常使用网络的用户交流模式作对比,这之间也必然存在着巨大差异。

As in previous years, IGF proved a useful forum for delegates from all players of the Internet eco-system to exchange views and experiences, facilitating understanding of the trends that are developing globally. The next IGF meeting will take place in Geneva in December 2017. ChinaEU plans to participate again and report on the progress achieved in its endeavors to strengthen digital cooperation between China and the EU.


The transcript of the China Cultural Diversity Open Forum can be found on:



Luigi Gambardella detailed further its proposal to revamp ENISA in China Daily:

Luigi Gambardella近一步在中国日报发表文章阐述其改进欧洲网络与信息安全局的倡议:


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